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Recent revelations have exposed a serious issue within the Pak-Arab Refinery Company (PARCO). According to a comprehensive report by Sindh Police, seven PARCO employees are allegedly involved in oil theft from the Bin Qasim pipeline. This incident underscores the critical importance of robust employee verification processes.

The Incident

The Sindh Police report details how these employees were implicated in the illegal siphoning of oil from the pipeline. This theft not only impacts the company’s bottom line but also raises significant security concerns. The involvement of employees in such activities highlights potential vulnerabilities within the organization.

The Role of Employee Verification

This case serves as a stark reminder of the need for thorough employee verification. Ensuring that all employees undergo rigorous background checks can help prevent such incidents. Comprehensive verification processes can identify individuals with a history of dishonesty or criminal behavior, reducing the risk of insider threats.

How Tasdeeq Can Help

Tasdeeq offers detailed employee verification services designed to protect businesses from such risks. Our services include:

  • Background Checks: To uncover any past issues or criminal records.
  • Employment History Verification: To confirm the accuracy of employment records.
  • Education Verification: To ensure all qualifications are legitimate.
  • Financial Probity Reviews: To assess financial stability and integrity.

By partnering with Tasdeeq, businesses can enhance their security measures and safeguard against internal fraud and theft.


The PARCO oil theft incident highlights the urgent need for improved employee verification. Protect your organization from similar risks by implementing thorough background checks. Tasdeeq is here to help you build a more secure and trustworthy workforce.